Navy and Grey Suits

One of the most commonly asked questions that we get from our clients is: What colour suit can I wear day to day and make the most use of, but also won’t make me look like every other guy? Our answer: Navy and Grey, and here’s why…

1.     Navy and Grey compliment most skin tones. While the colour black is able to absorb light, allowing shadows to dissipate and the body to appear slimmer, many argue that wearing black on a day to day basis can actually drown out your face, making any signs of aging more pronounced.  Navy and Grey on the other hand are much less harsh while still allowing wearers bodies to appear toned, hiding any problem areas.

2.   Navy and Grey are multidimensional colours. This means that because they come in many different shades, you are able play between lighter or darker looks. Your suit should be as individual as you are.

3.  Compared to black, your suit will be less serious but still formal. Never be mistaken as being on your way to a funeral again!

4.  You can pair almost any colour shirt and both black and brown shoes with these suits.

5.     Navy and Grey jackets are easier to separate, allowing you to create a more extensive and diversified wardrobe. 

Whether you’re buying your first suit or simply looking to add to the roaster, Navy and Grey suits are wardrobe essentials.


Grey: Photography by Robert Spangle

Navy: Tommy Ton's Street Style: London


The Fabrics of Summer: SEERSUCKER


White Tie .vs. Black Tie